๐Ÿ“ฆAdditional functions

๐Ÿ“ฆ Additional functions

The editor has some additional commands for different proportions, here is a list of the available commands.

:InitialPrettierrcThe command creates a .pretierrc file in your project's root path.
:InitialEditorconfigThe command creates a .editorconfig file in your project root path
:InitialDockerfileThe command creates a dockerfile file in your project root path
:InitialDockercomposeThe command creates a docker-compose.yaml file in your project root path
:InitialStructureSass <path>The command creates a default file structure for sass, the command receives as a parameter the path where the folders are to be created
:InitialStructureNode <path>The command creates a default file structure for node project, the command receives as a parameter the path where the folders are to be created
:RunPythonThe command executes the python file at the side of the editor.
:RunJavascriptThe command executes the javascript file at the side of the editor
:RunTypescriptThe command compiles the typescript file, and then executes the resulting javascript file next to the editor.
:RunScssThe command compiles the current scss file
:RunGoThe command compiles the open go file and then executes the resulting binary at the side of the editor.
:RunCPPThe command compiles the open c++ file and then executes the resulting binary at the side of the editor.
:RunCThe command compiles the open c file and then executes the resulting binary at the side of the editor.
:OpenHTMLThis command opens the current HTML file in your default browser.