⚙️ Configuraciones

🛠 Configurations

The editor has some settings that can be useful and quick to configure, these are found in the globals.lua file, and are global variables that are used throughout the deeper configuration of the plugins.

BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENTBooleanThis variable indicates whether a transparent background is desired
STATUSBARTableThis table contains properties that allow you to modify the style and layout of the status bar (lualine).
ALPHAStringThis variable stores the ASCII drawing that is displayed when the editor is opened. There are already drawings loaded in the configuration in the drawings.lua file, you just need to import the drawing you like or add your own.
TODO_PATTERNStringThis variable stores the search pattern to search for TODO comments in the code.
TODO_ICONSTableThis variable indicates the table of icons to represent each TODO comment.
ICONSTableThis variable stores a table of most of the icons found throughout the editor for general use.
GIT_SYMBOLSTableThis variable stores a table with the icons or symbols that you will use to identify changes in a git repository.
TREE_SYMBOLSTableThis variable stores a table with the icons to be used by the Neotree file manager.
TREE_WIDTHIntegerThis variable stores the width of the file manager.
TREE_DIRECTIONStringThis variable stores from which point the file manager will open, left or right.
CMP_GHOST_TEXTBooleanThis variable indicates whether you want a virtual text preview of the autocomplete options.
LSP_CLIENTSTableThis variable contains the names of the LSP clients to be installed automatically.
EXCLUDE_FORMATTERS_FILESTableThis variable contains the file type names that will not use neoformat to be formatted.
CODE_FORMATTERSTableThis variable contains the names of the language and the code formatter to be used for that language.