⚗️ How to install

🧪 How to install

Fast installation

Once you have the above requirements you can proceed to install the configuration.

  1. The first thing is to have all the code formatters you like such as Prettier, Black, Clang-format, etc. installed on your system.
    You can install them through the mason plugin by running the :Mason command and searching for the formatter of your choice but I recommend installing them independently.

  2. Then you can install the configuration using the following command depending on your environment.


    git clone --branch main https://github.com/EddyBel/Neovim.Config.git $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim --depth 1 && nvim

    Linux / Macos

    git clone --branch main https://github.com/EddyBel/Neovim.Config.git ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim

    This command will clone the latest version of the repository in the configuration path of neovim, once cloned, neovim will be opened with the nvim command so that lazy proceeds with the installation of all plugins.

Step by step installation

Once you have fulfilled the necessary requirements for the correct functioning of the configuration, you can proceed to the installation of this configuration.

  1. The first thing is to clone the configuration repository this can be done with git or download it directly from github. to clone it with git you can use this command:

    git clone --branch main https://github.com/EddyBel/Neovim.Config.git --depth 1
  2. Next is to move to the cloned repository folder once there you must copy the files init.lua, lazy-lock.json and finally the lua folder, these must go in your neovim configuration folder, for Linux systems you can use ~/.config/nvim, for Windows you can use C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\nvim or wherever neovim defines the configuration path.


    cd Neovim.Config
    xcopy init.lua lazy-lock.json lua C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\nvim /s /e /i

    Linux / Macos

    cd Neovim.Config
    cp init.lua lazy-lock.json lua ~/.config/nvim
  3. Before opening neovim it is important to install the code formatters, these will allow your code to maintain a good structure and design, for this we use the Neoformat plugin to manage the formatters but we must install them separately with the following commands:

    npm install -g prettier
    pip install black
    pip install clang-format
  4. Finally you can open the editor with the command nvim and lazy will install all the plugins automatically, and that's it! you can start coding.

Delete configuration

You can remove the configuration by deleting the configuration folder (where the init.lua file is located) and the folder that stores the plugins and their respective plugin manager data (the neovim data folder), for this you can use the following command:

Windows cmd

rmdir /s $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim\ $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim-data\

Windows powershell

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim\, $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim-data\

Linux / Macos

rm -rf ~/.config/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/